Register for Disability Accommodations

Steps to Register for Accommodations

Students with disabilities who want to request accommodations for their courses/testing are required to follow the steps listed below:

  1. If you are requiring accommodations for the Accuplacer Test, please contact us at or 719-549-3446 to set up an appointment two weeks prior to your scheduled testing date. Note: Extension campus students can request a phone appointment.
  2. Provide our office with any relevant documentation to help us understand how we can best accommodate you.
  3. Complete and submit the online Student Intake form.
  4. Once you are registered for courses, meet with the DR staff to create Letters of Accommodation(LOAs) which will list appropriate and reasonable accommodations for each course.
  5. The DR staff will email your LOAs to each of your instructors to ensure they are notified of your accommodation needs.
  6. The DR staff will also email you a copy of your LOAs; therefore, you will need to respond to their email to confirm that the listed accommodations are what was discussed and agreed upon.
  7. Be sure to contact our office to sign up for accommodations each semester, if needed.


Disability Resources Center
Located on the Pueblo Campus
Academic Building
Room 120

Phone: 719-549-3446
Fax: 719-549-3445

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.